#SulysTips : My Makeup Routine

by - 10:21 PM

assalamualaikum sisters and brothers!

second entry for today! idk but today is totally bored day. even though harini my birthday huhuhu. dari pagi sampai sekarang, no activities at all, just makan tidur. realiti seorang penganggur.

siapa pernah rasa, lepas something bad happened to yourself, korang rasa korang nak ubah diri? contohnya macam lepas putus cinta, nafsu nak melawa makin membuak? that is what happening to me. dulu bab make up ni memang tak ambik tau langsung pun. just tempek bedak compact and a little eyeliner and lip balm. siap! dah pegi dating dengan pakwe. but after break up, rasa macam argh aku nak lawa! aku nak buktikan dekat dia aku boleh jadi lawa! (realitinya takde la lawa mana pun).

so today, im gonna share you pasal what product ive been using for my make up routine. for those yang baru nak belajar make up, boleh la aku ajar sikit2. because imma beginner too.

1. Apply moisturizer/base make up.

Image result for raduant finish pixy
i'm using this Raduant Finish from Pixy. this one is moisturizer btw. for those yang baru nak belajar make up, before pakai bedak, pakai moisturizer dulu, sebab kulit akan nampak lembap and tak kering. dah almost 3 years pakai brand ni, so far SANGAT OKAY :)

2. BB Cream / CC Cream / Foundation

Related image
My current BB Cream (Maybelline)

My CC Cream (Maybelline)

Image result for doll foundation sendayu tinggi
My Foundation (Sendayu Tinggi Doll Skin Foundation)

after applying moisturizer, korang boleh pakai antara tiga ni. optional laa. for low/medium coverage, apply bb/cc cream. untuk full coverage, pakai foundation. my bb/cc cream just for my daily make up, foundation untuk event macam kenduri, party dll.

for me, tak perlu kot pakai primer. nampak macam padat sangat lah muka nak apply tu apply ni. kan? im not using primer at all and my make up still looks okay :)

3. Concealer

Image result for pure mineral concealer maybelline
im using this Pure Mineral Concealer from Maybelline for my dark circles yang sangat laa annoying. untuk yang ada normal dark circles, just boleh apply this concealer macam biasa. but for those yang having a very bad dark circles, kena pakai correcter dulu. orange/red correcter. tapi aku takde corrector. so im using my red lipstick and apply around my eyes, blend it well, letak concealer, blend it again.

Macam ni :

4. Eyebrow 

Eyebrow Stylish Set from Essence. since im only a beginner, tak berapa pandai pakai pencil. so pakai powder jelah lagi senang. dalam ni ada sekali dia punya brow class, macam acuan untuk kening memudahkan kita nak lukis kening. aku tak selalu sangat pakai benda ni sebab ambik masa yg lama. nak kemaskan lagi apa semua. kadang-kadang je pakai.

5. Eyeshadow

my favourite eyeshadow palette ever, Naked 2 from Urban Decay. benda alah ni memang ramai pakai pun, thats why aku pun gatai nak beli. sebab aku ni suka warna simple je for my eyes, warna dia pun banyak warna tanah so im superb love it!

6. Eyeliner

Waterproof Eyeliner Pen from Essence. so far okay laa but this one not the only one eyeliner i have tapi yang paling okay yang ni laa. im not eyeliner lover actually huhu thats why kadang-kadang je pakai.

7. Mascara

the best mascara ive ever had! Big Eyes from Maybelline. tak bergumpal, smooth je. ada dua brush, satu untuk upper lashes and kecik sikit tu untuk lower lashes.

8. Blusher

Silky Touch Blush from Essence. aku tak banyak collection for blusher because jarang pakai. so far this one okay laa just nice. :)

9. Highlight

the only one highlight i have, High Beam from Benefit. dia liquid, brush dia macam nail polish gittew. highlight ni untuk apa? ni untuk naikkan seri pipi ke apekebende ntah aku main pakai je hahaha. 

ni haa contohnya :

nampak tak yang glowing dekat pipi dia tu? tu laa highlight.

10. Lipstick

aku ni peminat setia Kissproof from MN. so far ada 3 batang dekat rumah hahaha even macam susah sikit nak pakai tapi aku suka colour dia. 

Ok thats all. ni lah semua produk yang aku selalu guna. saja nak share, kot-kot korang dapat inspirasi ke apa kan. so i have to go now, chiao!

last but not least, nah selfie!

Muah ciked :*

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